A group of students walking
A group of students walking© DAAD/Henning Ross

Say Hello to Germany

Here you will find helpful information about your stay in Germany and useful insights from international students. Find out how to plan your studies in Germany and learn what life in Germany is all about.

Why Germany?

Your Career Start in Germany


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Get Inspired

Testimonial Can from Turkey in front of blue background
Testimonial Can from Turkey© DAAD/Henning Ross

Why I study Marine Geosciences – Can

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Testimonial Sifat from Bangladesh
Testimonial Sifat from Bangladesh© DAAD/Henning Ross

Sifat's View

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Testimonial Eva from Albania
Testimonial Eva from Albania© DAAD/Henning Ross

Why I study Medicine & Psychology – Eva

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Testimonial Umar from Pakistan
Testimonial Umar from Pakistan© DAAD/Henning Ross

Umar's View

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