What is dual professional training? 

Dual professional training is one of the possibilities to learn a profession in Germany. So as you probably know that the word „dual‘‘ from Latin means consisting of two parts and so it’s meaning of the training so you have to work at your training company as well as to visit a professional school.

How long is a dual professional training?

Most dual professional trainings generally take about 3 years so in this time you work and you visit the professional school in turn. For example, you have to go to work for 2 weeks and in the third week you go to school.

Maybe you ask yourself how is that possible?

For example you do an internship at a company, or it has been brought to your attention that you have the chance to do a training and you want to improve your German before you go studying. So the first step is to write an application in which you show your interest in the training. If you receive an acceptance, they invite you to an Interview and then you conclude and sign the training contract. All the terms are expressed in the contract (see below picture).

'terms of dual professional training' can be seen on the open laptop looking on a desk.
The 'terms of dual professional training' can be seen on the open laptop looking on a desk.© Douaa

Which advantages do you have?

Firstly you improve your German language because you have a connection to other German people on the job and that’s very useful because you learn new words/phrases every day. After that you realise how your pronunciation gets better. Also, you learn how to keep good company with people, who probably have a different culture than yours. Additionally, you can make friends for learning together or having fun. It’s even important to mention that you touch on diverse topics which are very fundamental to know if you want to study or to live in Germany such as the insurance system and the system of taxation. When you finish your training, you will receive a certificate that is recognised worldwide, and you can work anywhere you want. you have the chance actually to find a suitable job besides your study.

Student standing in front of window, reading something in an open book.
Student standing in front of window, reading something in an open book.© Douaa

Would you be in trouble while training?

From my experience I dare say that the one problem was that you will have a language barrier at the beginning and this problem will be solved by and by. Also, the teachers will be up to the mark to help you if you have any problem at the school or in your company.

The dual professional training is a real instance of studying in Germany because you have a theoretical part like the lectures at the university and a practical part like an internship.

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Hallo, mein Name ist Scherkod Ich komme aus Usbekistan Ich liebe es in Deutschland zu studieren und vor allem neue Freunde zu finden Wie komme ich nach Deutschland Ich spreche Deutsch auf Niveau A2 und Englisch auf Niveau A2

written by Sherzod created on

Hey Scherkod, wenn du in Deutschland studieren möchtest, solltest du dir die Study in Germany-Seite "4 Schritte nach Deutschland" anschauen. Du findest sie unter diesem Link: https://www.study-in-germany.de/de/studium-planen/schritte/ Dort findest du alles, um deinen Aufenthalt in Deutschland zu planen. Ich hoffe, wir konnten dir helfen. Liebe Grüße, dein Study in Germany-Team

written by Redaktion created on

hello Douaa, thanks for sharing this I am radiographic technologist and i am from Egypt how could i apply for training in Germany

written by abdallah created on

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