Fact Sheet

First name: Elsapaola 
Country of origin: Italy
Year of birth: 1991
Field of study: Translation Studies
German university: Heidelberg University
University location: Heidelberg 
Type of stay: Master
I have been writing for the blog since:  winter semester 2017/2018
My hobbies and interests: Photography, painting, drawing, sewing, horse riding, martial arts, travelling, foreign languages

More about Elsapaola

I moved to Germany in March 2014, right after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Rome. At the moment I am doing my Master’s Degree in Translation Studies at the University of Heidelberg and I am working in the field of Digital Marketing. I’m a very curious and creative person and I love to improve myself and reach new goals. My friends say I’m also very good at motivating other people. Moving to Germany really helped me to grow and challenge my fears and limits. Therefore, I’m really grateful for this journey abroad.

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