Fact Sheet

First name: Emmalee 
Country of origin: Canada
Year of birth: 1997
Field of study: Global Development
German university: University of Freiburg
University location: Freiburg im Breisgau
Type of stay: To learn german!
I have been writing for the blog since: December 2017 to May 2018
My hobbies and interests: Travelling, learning about news cultures, learning foreign languages, shopping, and watching foreign films and TV series

More about Emmalee

My name is Emmalee and I am an exchange student from Canada, currently living in Freiburg. I have always loved to experience new things, and I love to learn about new cultures and languages. I absolutely love to travel and have knocked quite a few places off of my bucket list since studying in Germany.
At home my program is “Global Development” and I think it is very important for me to learn about different parts of the world, rather than just staying in Canada. In the future, I hope to do more research on the developing world.
I also love to learn languages and one of my main goals in life is to be able to communicate properly in as many languages as possible. Being in Germany has provided me an excellent opportunity to improve and practice my German on a daily basis.
At some point I hope to work for an NGO or the Canadian Government, but for now I am exploring what the world has to offer.

More posts by Emmalee

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