Testimonial Roberta from Italy in front of red background
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New Year: between hopes and goals

Like every year, each of us reflects. We think about the year that is about to pass, about all that has happened and what we have achieved individually, socially or scholastically. And like every year, we set ourselves goals and hopes to achieve, hoping for that description that says: new year, new me. The question is: what is best for us?

The New Year and the need for change

For some reason, we have decided that at midnight on 31 December, we will start working on all the goals we have written in our notebooks, committing ourselves to change for the better and grow.

I understand this need, the feeling that the first of January reminds us of the warm, bright light of a summer morning. The chance to reset and start again and I know that for many this works perfectly.

Goals guide us to be the best versions of ourselves, help us do the things we love most and generally get to know ourselves better. I think, though, that you must be clear about who you are doing all this for and why.

A change tailor-made for us

I recently realised that the idea of writing down all the New Year’s goals and then working on them from the first of January is not for me.
Over the years I have done this. I would set goals based on what I wanted to improve or achieve, things I may not have been able to do in the previous year. At the end of each year, however, I always noticed that I couldn’t tick all the goals off the list. Why?

Because goals change.

So many things happen during the year, so many events and people that change us. It is normal, therefore, that the goals set at the beginning of the year might not coincide with those in June.

It is normal to re-evaluate what is important to you, as a person, educationally, health-wise, personally, socially, and professionally.

What I am doing this year is implementing this very ideal. I have a pretty good idea of those things that I definitely want to achieve, such as finishing exams and passing courses at university or putting aside enough money to be able to organise a trip. Next, there are those things that are more malleable or, if you like, subject to change. It is important for me to remember this, because of one simple reason. That is, for example, not taking things too personally, may be my goal at the beginning of the year. Later on, however, I may meet people who open me up to a different perspective in which changing this is not something that fits into my priorities or needs.

Supportive environment

As an international student, I am always in contact with different. Different from what I think and how I see things. I love this diversity because it allows me to see things from a different perspective, helping me to understand when I am or not wrong.

Living in Germany should not make you think that everything has to change. On the contrary, it gives you a safe space in which you can get to know yourself better and understand what it means for you to improve as a person.

As mentioned at the beginning, I wanted to give this perspective because I feel this way and maybe other people like me. This does not mean, of course, that it is the only way of seeing or doing things.

I wish you, therefore, to find your own way.

Happy New Year,

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