Fact Sheet

First name: Sreehitha
Country of origin: India
Year of birth: 1996
Field of study: Production Systems Engineering
German university: RWTH Aachen University
University location: Aachen
Type of stay: Master
I have been writing for the blog since: January 2020
My hobbies and interests: I like doing Hand Crafts, Writing Stories, Watching Movies, Cooking and Spending time with Friends

About Sreehitha 

I am Sreehitha Veeramreddygari, Masters student from RWTH Aachen University. I came to Aachen in September 2018 and currently in 3rd Semester of my Masters in “Production Systems Engineering”. I am originally from Andhra Pradesh, India. After completing Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering, I learned Basic German Language before coming to Germany, which helped me a lot. Being a Student from Mechanical Engineering Background, I considered Germany as best option for doing Masters.

Though it was very difficult for me to leave India, Family and come to another country without knowing anyone, I came to Germany with lot of dreams. Aachen was not only a place for me where I was just attending University and studying Masters, but also a place which taught me what life is and also gave me a lot of friends. Now I really feel Aachen as my home town in Germany, as I am left with wonderful and beautiful memories which always brings a Smile on my face when I think of them. Right now, I am doing my Internship in Krones AG, Neutraubling in the area of “Corporate Quality Management”. I would love to share some of the unforgettable experiences that I came across in Germany. I can assure you that my experiences would be of worth reading and you will definitely enjoy whilereading them. Stay Connected!!!

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