A pink bouquet.
A pink bouquet.@ Lilit

In Germany, Valentine’s Day has no special traditions, it echoes classic American Valentine’s Day. My observation shows that many people celebrate that holiday, on February 14th all the restaurants are full of couples. I also celebrated Valentine’s Day in Germany with all the attributes of this holiday: flowers, sweets and small surprises.

In Germany, Valentine’s Day is mostly celebrated in a restaurant. Some surprise their significant other with an invitation to breakfast or dinner. Usually a small gift is also presented, it is not customary to give large expensive gifts on that holiday. The gift should be directly related to Valentine’s Day. Creativity in gift making is encouraged. 

If you don’t know what to give your loved one, maybe my idea will help you. You can prepare paper sheets and write on each one a reason why you love your lovely person, decorate it beautifully and give on Valentine’s Day. 

You can also make a photo album, write wishes on a card and give them to your loved one. Your loved one will also like the heart-shaped cake made by yourself. In the end, it doesn’t matter what gift you give to the person you love. It is important to find an opportunity to appreciate him and say words of love.

Dinner for two in the restaurant.
Dinner for two in the restaurant.@ Lilit

Perhaps the holiday is more American, but it is also celebrated in my homeland, Armenia. In Armenia, there is also same Saint Sargis‘s Day, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of February.

There is a tradition according to which you should eat a lot of salty cookies and not drink water the night before the feast of Saint Sargis’s Day. If in your dream you see someone who will give you water, then that person must be your future husband or wife.  

Interestingly, this tradition is followed to this day and many single people eat these cookies at night. It was also customary to put flour on a tray on the balcony of the house and wait for Saint Sargis to leave the footprints of his horse’s hoof.

According to the tradition, the person whose plate the saint passes through the sprinkled flour or substitute will have great success. In short, lovers’ day is celebrated twice in Armenia․

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