Castle © Brothe
Detmold castle© Brothe

Crooked, half-timbered houses, narrow alleyways and lots of water. The historic royal seat of Detmold boasts a radiant city centre. Short distances and the nice atmosphere at the higher education institutions are sure to please.


74,254 Inhabitants ¹

2,677 Students ²

2 Higher education institutions ²


Detmold is located in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia between the cities of and . For the region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Detmold is quite important as it is home to numerous municipal organisations and regional authorities, courts and other public institutions.

Furthermore, it’s the economic centre of the region. A number of noteworthy businesses in the fields of metalworking, mechanical engineering and furniture-making have set up operations here. There are also several corporations which belong to that illustrious circle of “global players” and employ several thousand people.

Detmold’s location is one of its main advantages. You can be in or in just a few hours by car. And just a little further away, you can visit several neighbouring countries, like the Netherlands and Denmark.

Detmold was a royal seat for counts and princes for almost 500 years – and the city still possesses something of its former glory. The town grew around a castle, which was built in the 13th century and is situated within a park. Detmold is a town for explorers and adventurers. You can and should lose your way through the winding streets and alleyways of the historic city centre. It’s a great way to discover something new all the time.

There are many historic half-timbered buildings in Detmold. If you’ve never been in one, you should visit Adolfstrasse. Some of the people who live there are very friendly and occasionally allow tourists to take a quick peek into their rooms.


Try a “Pickert!” It’s a kind of pancake made with grated potatoes. Long ago Pickerts were what poor people used to eat. Nowadays Pickerts are served with butter, jelly, plum jam or liverwurst.

If you need a breather from your studies, we recommend taking a bike ride outside Detmold and exploring the surroundings. The Hermannsdenkmal is a very famous commemorative site. Measuring over 50 metres in height, it’s Germany’s tallest monument.



Everything is nearby in Detmold. In just a few minutes, you can walk from the centre of town to both higher education institutions. And even if you live further away from downtown, the best way to travel is by bike. Many streets are lined with specially marked bike paths.

While strolling down the small streets in town, you’ll discover many quaint restaurants and shops.

On nice summer days, you’ll notice that Detmold is very much a student town. You’ll see dozens of students lying on blankets in the parks. Some bring their instruments and play under the open sky. Sometimes they start jamming together spontaneously, and everyone gathers around to listen.


If you like hiking, you’ll find many trails which will take you through the Teutoburg Forest and to the top of the famous “Externsteine“. Some people feel a strong spiritual connection to these cliffs which are so massive that they gather and sleep at the base on Walpurgis Night (30 April) and at the summer solstice.

How to find a room in Detmold

Many university and college towns have dormitories or student halls, and a room there is often the most affordable accommodation. To obtain a room in a dormitory or student hall, you have to apply to your college or university’s student union (). Our ‘Find Student Hall’ function can be of practical help. You only need to make a few mouse clicks to get to the online application form. Find a room and more information about dormitories and student halls in Detmold.



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