
Wohnanlage Goldener Turm
Wahlenstraße 16
93047 Regensburg

Nearest stop/station (public transportation):


The tower, which was built around 1260 in two building phases, served as a watchtower in the Middle Ages and was therefore also fortified in the upper floors. The name Goldener Turm (Golden Tower) derives from the inn that was located inside the tower in the 17th century. Since its renovation in 1985, the building has been providing all in all 43 dwelling places for students. As forms of living, two complete single apartments are available with a private kitchen and a bathroom as well as 41 apartments in shared-living flats, where the occupants share the kitchens and bathrooms.

Attention: Exchange students have to apply for student housing directly at the International Office of the University of Regensburg/OTH Regensburg. Applications to the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz will not be considered. For this reason, please abstain from contacting the Studentenwerk. Please find further information under "Application".

Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz


Rent deposit
350 EUR

Duration of housing
Rental periods are limited to six semesters.

Internet access

TV connection

Shared facilities
Common room, bike storage, wash and dry

Special deals for international students
Tutors are committed to a positive interaction between all residents and focus especially on newcomers and international students. They develop a broad sports and cultural leisure programme with general educational value:
- Welcoming meeting
- Sports activities
- Excursions
- Cooking evenings and Sunday breakfast
- Card game tournaments
- and much more…

Type of rooms
