Thu sharing about her living & studying experience in Germany at International Day at Vilnius TECH University.© Thu Open fig captionBlog post written by ThuCareer StartHow my study in Germany prepares me for working...
German beach with beach chairs© DAAD/contentküche Open fig captionBremerhavenNorth Sea and Baltic Sea
Hochschule Stralsund in autumnThư Open fig captionBlog post written by ThuHelpful tipsThings you might not know yet about universitie...
Hochschule Stralsund in winterThư Open fig captionBlog post written by ThuHelpful tipsThings you might not know yet about universitie...
The wide world is so close when standing at the harbour and watching the boats© Sophie Nagel Open fig captionMedium townStralsund#HanseaticCity #Sailing #BalticSea
Board game on a table©Nguyen Anh Thu Luu Open fig captionBlog post written by ThuFirst Steps in GermanyMy first impressions about the Germans
The lake is frozen during the winterThu Open fig captionBlog post written by ThuFirst Steps in GermanyHow I “survived” my first winter in Germany