Applied Computer Science

with integrated professional training, dual system, including practical semester

Bachelor of Science


9 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)



expired (Germans and inhabitants)

expired (EU), expired (Non-EU)
Please enquire

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Winter Semester only

Area of study

Applied Computer Science


Automotive / Driver Assistance Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Technology Interaction / Smart Devices, System Engineering


INFORMATICS SHAPES THE FUTURE Regardless of where we are and what we do - we are always surrounded by IT! As a cross-sectional discipline, it affects all areas of life: digital learning, entertainment and gaming, assistance systems, Big Data and business intelligence. WHAT CAN I EXPECT? - Basic training with practical relevance and application relevance - Four subject-specific specialisation options - Competence development for the strong IT industry The application-oriented bachelor's degree course imparts sound and innovative knowledge and grants graduates entry to key positions in companies Applicants who study this degree course: - Deal with the solution of problems in various fields of application with methods and procedures of computer science - Have necessary resources for the computer-aided solution of special tasks - Plans, coordinates and controls software projects Four subject-specific specialisations The Applied Computer Science degree course offers four outstanding specialisations: Artificial Intelligence, Automotive, Smart Devices and System Engineering. Six elective modules from these areas can be taken later in the course of the course. “Many have programming experience, but that is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of success. Students need analytical skills, but also creativity. Because the questions that computer scientists deal with are becoming increasingly diverse. There are often no standard solutions anymore, ”says Prof. Dr. Ioannis Iossifidis. COURSE CONTENTS - Programming, Databases, Software Engineering - Artificial Intelligence, Automotive, Smart Devices, System Engineering The Applied Computer Science course offers four exciting options: 1) Artificial Intelligence Describes an interdisciplinary topic that deals with the decoding of thinking in order to develop methods of Computer Science, the problems of artificial action (e.g. autonomous robotics), perception (e.g. computer vision) and cognition (e.g. Fusion, planning, forecasting). The transfer to technical systems leads to self-organising, learning, autonomous machines such as autonomous robots, self-driving cars and intelligent software agents. 2) Automotive Cars drive autonomously, assistance systems recognise pedestrians, traffic signs and adapt themselves to the needs of the driver. The structure, functions and development of current driver assistance systems form the core of the automotive focus. Intelligent sensor concepts, actuators and selected algorithms are used to develop new assistance systems and components, including non-technical aspects. 3) Smart Devices In our ever increasingly networked world, new devices always play a role. These devices are integrated into our everyday life, generate data and provide support services. As part of the "Smart Devices" specialisation, we address such devices and investigate, for example, how cell phones, smart watches, beacons, ... can be used in a beneficial way for humans. 4) System Engineering Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary area of IT, Engineering and Engineering Management that focuses on designing, testing and managing complex systems. A central aspect is the definition of the requirements for the software and hardware, data communication, sensors and actuators, on the basis of which the implementation of system tests and reference measurements in the laboratory and real environment are carried out.

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

Admission requirements for the training-integrated degree course (target group: students from technical secondary schools and those with university entry qualification (Abitur)): training contract with a partner company. Admission requirements for practice-integrated degree course (target group: students from technical secondary schools and those with Abitur as well as prospective students with an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences and completed professional training) In addition to the usual admission requirements for Bachelor's degree courses, students in the practice-integrated dual degree course must have an employment/work placement/voluntary or student contract with a partner company.

Lecture period

  • 01.10.2024 - 24.01.2025
  • 31.03.2025 - 11.07.2025

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants


    Further information on registration, deadlines and the application process can be found on the HRW website:

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union


    Further information on registration, deadlines and the application process can be found on the HRW website:

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union


    Non-EU applicants (via Open admissions to higher study semester: 15.09. Further information on registration, deadlines and the application process can be found on the HRW website:

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students


    Further information on registration, deadlines and the application process can be found on the HRW website:

Tuition fee


The University Ruhr West does not charge tuition fees. However, students at the HRW must pay a semester contribution

Languages of instruction

Main language
